New Onboarding flow for Supernatural Athletes

Client: Supernatural

Role: Product Designer

Year: 2022

One of the biggest challenges to Supernatural onboarding was balancing the experience for first time VR users and more advanced Athletes. The flow improves engagement of new users through personalization and minimizing time to fun – your very first exercise in VR.

Athletes decide wether they want to begin their training with flow or boxing workout. Video preview helps visualize the type of movement involved.

Personalization is at the heart of this project. We utilized a brand new algorithm that suggests workouts at the right level of intensity and music genre. Rather than browse though thousand of workouts our athletes can discover their favorite workouts much faster.

Making the most of immersiveness of the VR experience we used the voice of our coach to guide new users though the main menu that progressively appears on the screen. We also added a task list to help guide though making the most of your workouts.